Attacks against developers are increasing and in the past year, dozens have been documented. For instance, a threat actor recently distributed a backdoored version of a .NET development tool to deploy multiple malicious payloads, like a clipboard hijacker and a crypto miner. Another recent example was Log4Shell: given that the use of Log4j is so ubiquitous around the world, the impact was broad and had the potential to affect everybody. Log4j is embedded into so many things, you may not even know you are using it because it is packaged as part of some other application. This meant companies of all sizes across all industries were affected.
That is why the need to secure your software supply chain has never been so critical. Integrating security as part of your development can help organizations protect sensitive information, improve performance, secure their reputation, and build trust.
SonarQube embraces progress - whether it's multi-language applications, teams composed of different backgrounds or a workflow that's a mix of modern and legacy.
Enhanced workflows
SonarQube fits with your existing tools and pro-actively raises a hand when the quality or security of your codebase is at risk.
Jenkins, Azure DevOps server and many others.
SonarQube can analyze branches of your repo, and notify you directly in your Pull Requests!
SonarQube empowers all developers to write cleaner and safer code. With an Open Community of more than 200k dev teams, and thousands of automated Static Code Analysis rules, they provide protection for your app on multiple fronts.
We are certified professionals in deploying and managing SonarQube to some of the highest performance, availability and security requirements. SonarQube can easily integrate with your other DevOps tools and environments into a seamless toolchain on our Managed DevOps SaaS Platform.